Building momentum

by | Jun 17, 2022 | YouTube


In our previous discussions, we talked about some of the benefits that an empowered now can hold for us, but what does that look like in the moment? And how does momentum come into play?

As always, it comes down to how we experience each moment to know whether we are empowered or disempowered in the moment, and over time each moment adds to the previous to build up momentum in the direction that we’ve been applying our focus and energy.

Being fully empowered (aligned) at a point in time is to have such precision in focus that all of your energy and resources are aligned for you to fully apply toward the things that you want. Where we find ourselves from one moment to the next is on a continuum of being completely disempowered (which means being aligned in opposition to what you want) to fully empowered (and aligned to who you really are).

Does that mean that you need to be 100% aligned all of the time to build momentum in the direction of what you want? Definitely not – that is not even possible. Here, it is good to remember our distinction between your emotional weather and your emotional climate. Emotional weather refers to the short-term state of our emotions. These can be seen as movements around the baseline level of how we feel naturally.

Even during the course of a single day there can be a wide range in our emotional weather conditions. Emotional climate refers to the average level of your emotional state over a longer period of time. So it really depends on where you hang out emotionally on average. And that is really the indicator of the direction in which you are building momentum. In other words, are you, overall, moving in the direction of what you want or not? What does this momentum in a direction look like?

Let’s consider an everyday example. You’ve seen or known of this when it comes to the impact of certain things on the body. If someone stresses occasionally, they may have very few physical symptoms or something that is short-lived such as headaches. However, if someone is stressed on average, it may lead to bigger issues such as cardiovascular-related issues. Think for example of the people in your life who are stressed a lot of the time, and how they tend to suffer from more physical ailments such as high blood pressure, frequent headaches, various other aches and pains, and so forth.

That is what it looks like when you end up with a lot of momentum that is built in a certain direction, and your emotional state impacts your experience. How the body can show this is but one example and possibility – the principle extends to many other things including a job that you are pursuing or a relationship that you are looking for. I think it’s also helpful here to remember that when we speak of moving in the direction of what you want, it does not mean that there is only one thing that we are necessarily wanting and that anything other than that is ‘off-course’.

We are complex beings, and we have so many things that we want, that there are multiple things that we can choose on a moment to moment basis which help to build momentum in the direction of ‘things wanted’. So let’s say you are a painter. Your fulfilment probably does not come from painting alone, and you may also want a wonderful relationship, and also enjoy a clean house, among many many other things. That means that being empowered in your now, you may choose to clean your kitchen and find satisfaction from doing that. And now you’ve got momentum going in the direction of things wanted, so feeling happy with the sparkling kitchen, you take your happy self and let it flow into your painting. And when you have your romantic dinner tonight, you feel good from the day, which flows into the interaction during the romantic dinner.

This is a very simple example, but it’s to sketch a picture of how energy applied in the direction of what you want, also builds the momentum in the direction of ‘things wanted’ and not only a specific thing that you want. And momentum building in the opposite direction works exactly the same. So we’ll wrap up with the key takeaway, which is that you can choose in which direction you want to build momentum, and the choice happens in this moment, and the next moment and the next.

Until next time, take care and remember to be kind to yourself.