In order to assist us to build a life with more passion, it is helpful to further energise the thoughts around the things that we are wanting to build, create and realise. And one of the ways that we can do so is through the visualisation of the things that you are wanting to experience; to create. But it is important to know when and how to create through visualisation to be sure that you are creating from a platform which is supportive of the things that you wish to create. That means that you want to make sure that your focus is on things that are supportive of your true desires. And the best way to tell whether your current thoughts (focus) is supportive of your true desires is to assess whether your current emotional weather (state) is in resonance with that of your Inner Peace. If it is, then you know that the energy that you are applying through your focus is supportive of your true desires and is energising the path to those true desires.

But if your emotional weather is not in resonance with your Inner Peace, then you can know that there is resistance within the thought or thought patterns that are currently active in you. And when you notice there being resistance in your current emotional weather, then you know that it is not the time to flow energy through visualisation as the energy will not be directed in support of your true desires. Framing this in terms of the formula of creation (Desire – Resistance = Outcome), means that when we note that our thoughts are in resonance with our Inner Peace, then we flow energy through the visualisation exercise, which means that we are energising the thoughts in support of our true desires, which help us to creative the desired (“positive”) outcome.

// refer to blog post – attention as currency